ASA Journal is a peer-reviewed international journal published electronically twice a year (June and December) by Ankara Social Sciences University, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities. Special issues or gift issues may be published if deemed necessary. ASA will publish articles on all fields of social sciences and humanities, especially anthropology, literature, philosophy, psychology, sociology, history, law, Islamic Sciences. The journal will be published in Turkish, English and Arabic. ASA aims to publish original academic articles, translations of articles, book reviews and book reviews. ASA accepts manuscripts that have not been published elsewhere or are not under review.
ASA is an academic, international, peer-reviewed and free of charge journal published twice a year, in Summer (June) and Winter (December).
The scope of our journal generally consists of the following fields:
Islamic Sciences
Apart from these fields, articles in the field of social sciences and humanities are also accepted for publication.
2. Spelling Rules
a) General Rules
1- ASA is published in Turkish and English. Articles in other languages may be published if the editors and the Editorial Board deem appropriate.
2- Submitted articles must comply with the rules of grammar. For Turkish articles, the current Turkish Language Association (TDK) Spelling Guide should be taken as basis, and for articles in foreign languages, the grammar rules of that language should be taken as basis.
3- At the beginning of the article uploaded to the system, Turkish and English abstracts and keywords consisting of 3-6 words under the abstracts should be included. Abstracts should not be less than 150 words and should not exceed 300 words. The main text, conclusion and bibliography sections must be included.
4- The articles submitted to the journal should be scanned by the author in the iThenticate programme and the similarity report should be uploaded to the system together with the submitted article without any filtering. ASA, which has a multidisciplinary nature, refrains from giving a limit on the similarity rate. The evaluation of the reports belongs to the Editorial Board.
5- If the article is derived from a thesis, conference paper or other scientific work, it should be indicated in a footnote to the title of the article and the details of the derived work (if the article is derived from a thesis, the title of the study, the university, institute, department and the name of the advisor; if it is a paper presented at a congress or symposium but not published, the title of the article, the date of presentation, the name of the symposium / congress) should be included.
6- In studies supported by a research institution/organisation (BAP, TUBITAK, Ministry of Development, etc.), the name of the institution/organisation and the name, date and number of the project, if any, should be indicated in a footnote.
7- In book introductions and reviews, the imprint of the book in question (the date of publication, the number of editions, the place of publication) should be included.
8- Members who send/submit articles to our journal are required to add ORCID Number to their user credentials.
9- By submitting their works to ASA for publication, authors transfer their copyrights to ASA Journal within Ankara Social Sciences University. For this purpose, the ‘Copyright Transfer Form’ on the main page of the journal must be filled in and uploaded to the system with wet signature. The copyright of the published works belongs to the journal and cannot be transferred without reference.
10- The copyrights of the images used by the authors in their works belong to the author. Copyright and responsibility for the images used belong to the author.
11- The scientific, content, language and legal responsibility of the studies published in ASA belongs to the author / authors.
b) Spelling Rules
Paper Size A4 Vertical
Top Margin Gap 2.5 cm
Bottom Edge Gap 2.5 cm
Left margin 2.5 cm
Right margin 2.5 cm
Font Times News Roman
Font Style Normal
Font Size (normal text) 12
Font Size (footnote text) 10
Table-chart 10
Paragraph Indent (First Line) 1 cm
Paragraph Spacing 6 pt. before, 0 pt. after (0 pt. before and after in tables and graphs)
Line Spacing (1,5)
References Hanging and indentation 0.63 cm, Alignment: Justify on both sides, Spacing 6 pt before, 0 pt after, line spacing 1,5 cm.
1- The article should be written on A4 paper format in Microsoft Word environment.
2- The paper layout should be 2.5 cm from left and right and 2.5 cm from top and bottom.
3- The entire article (author information, article title, abstract, introduction, introduction, headings, conclusion, bibliography) should be written in ‘Times New Roman’ font with 12 point font size and the manuscript should be sent by adding the page number in the lower right corner.
4- For manuscripts in which a special font is used, the author should attach the special font file to the submission file.
5- The first title should be written in the language in which the text is written, in 13 pt, the second title(s) should be written in 12 pt, all capital letters, centred and bold.
6- Main headings and subheadings can be numbered up to four levels as 1., 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.3, 1.4 if deemed necessary.
7- Tables, pictures and figures should not extend beyond the page and the text in them should be in 10 pt and single-spaced. Figures and tables should be numbered and named according to their content.
8- The format used in referencing is APA7 (American Psychological Association). Authors should follow the spelling rules and format specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association published by the American Psychological Association.
9- In abbreviation usage, the rules in the Turkish Language Association's Guide should be taken as basis.
10- Footnotes are used only for compulsory explanations and are added by using the ‘References > Add Footnote’ command in MS Word. The references here should be arranged with the surname of the author, the year of publication of the work and the page number in parentheses. Example: (Yılmaz, 2017, p. 13). The work(s) used in the footnote should also be added to the bibliography.
11- Quotations should be given in quotation marks; quotations less than five lines should be written between the lines, and quotations longer than five lines should be written 1.5 cm from the right and left of the line, in block form, with 1.5 line spacing and 1 point smaller. References in the text should be written in brackets as follows.
Quotations: Quotations made verbatim in the article should be given in quotation marks and the source should be indicated at the end of the quotation in parentheses according to APA7 rules.
c) Citing the Source
Additional Information
1. Tables and Figures: Tables must have a number and title. Vertical lines should not be used in table drawing. Horizontal lines should only be used to separate subheadings within the table. The table number should be written vertically at the top, just to the left, and the table title should be italicised with the first letter of each word capitalised. Tables should be placed where they should be in the text. Figures should be prepared for black and white printing. Figure numbers and names should be written centrally just below the figure. The figure number should be italicised, end with a full stop, and the figure name should be written vertically with only the first letter capitalised.
2. Images: High resolution, print quality scanned images should be sent as an attachment to the manuscript. The naming conventions of figures and tables should be followed. Figures, charts and illustrations should not exceed a total of 10 pages (one third of the manuscript).
3. Quotations and References: Quotations should be given in quotation marks; quotations less than five lines should be written between the lines, quotations longer than five lines should be written 1.5 cm from the right and left of the line, in a block and 1.5 line spacing, 1 point smaller. References in the text should be written in brackets as follows.
(Yıldırım, 1987), (Yıldırım, 1973, p. 23).
For a study with two authors, the surnames of both authors should be included in each reference.
(Al & Soydal, 2014), (Al & Soydal, 2014, p.125)
When referring to studies with three, four and five authors, the surnames of all authors are given only in the first reference in the text. For other references, the expression ‘et al.’ should be added next to the surname of the first author. In articles written in English, the expression ‘et al.’ should be used instead of ‘et al.’ when referring to publications with three, four or five authors.
The first reference should be (Uçak, Kurbanoğlu, Şencan, & Doğan, 2011) and the second and subsequent references should be (Uçak et al., 2011). The use of footnotes should be avoided as much as possible, they should be used only for explanations and automatic numbering should be used. In order to cite references in footnotes, in-text citation methods should be used.
4. Quotations and References: Direct quotations should be enclosed in quotation marks. Quotations less than 2.5 lines should be written between the lines; quotations longer than 2.5 lines should be written 1.5 cm from the right and left of the line, as a block and 1.5 line spacing and 1 point smaller. Footnotes should be avoided as much as possible; they should be used only for explanations and automatic numbering should be used.
References in the text should be written in brackets as follows.
(Gözcü, 1955, p. 15).
For a study with two authors, the surnames of both authors should be included in each reference.
(Al and Soydal, 2014), (Al and Soydal, 2014, p.125)
When referring to studies with three, four and five authors, the surnames of all authors are given only in the first reference in the text. For other references, the expression and others should be added next to the surname of the first author. In articles written in English, when referring to publications with three, four or five authors, et al. should be used instead of and others.
First reference (Uçak, Kurbanoğlu, Şencan, & Doğan, 2011) Second and subsequent references (Uçak et al., 2011), (Uçak et al., 2011, p.125)
If the name of the cited author is given in the text, only the publication date of the source should be written:
Karataş (2008, p. 118), in this regard ...
In works and manuscripts without a publication date, only the surname of the authors should be written, and in works such as encyclopaedias etc. without an author, the title of the work should be written.
In quotations from secondary sources, the primary source should also be mentioned:
Kaplan (1938, as cited in Oruç 1981). In Doğan's study, it should be (as cited in Şencan, 2010).
Personal interviews should be indicated in the text with surname and date, and should also be mentioned in the references. In internet addresses, the date of access to the source must be specified and these addresses must be given among the references: [Access Date: 26.04.2023]
5. References: At the end of the text, it should be arranged alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors. The surname of the author of the source used should be indicated first.
Author's surname, name (year of publication). The title of the book should be italicised and written in lower case. The name of the publisher of the book should be capitalised and written in plain type.
1) If there is more than one edition of the book, the edition information should be written in parentheses after the title of the book (without punctuation).
2) The doi address of the book should be given underlined and linked after the publisher information, if any.
a) Single Authored Book
In the reference in the text:
(Onay, 2000, pp. 22-27)
(Isen, 2002, p. 49)
Onay, A. T. (2000). Old Turkish literature mazmunlar ve izahı. Akçağ Publications.
Isen, M. (2002). Tezkireden biografiye. Kapı Publications.
b) Book with Two Authors
In the reference in the text:
(Kurnaz & Çeltik, 2013, p. 145)
(Şentürk & Kartal, 2004, p. 96)
Kurnaz, C., & Çeltik, H. (2013). Divan poetry morphology. Kurgan Edebiyat.
Şentürk, A. A., & Kartal, A. (2004). History of old Turkish literature for universities. Dergâh Publications.
c) Book with more than two authors
In the reference in the text:
(Isen et al., 2002, p. 82)
İsen, M., Macit, M., Horata, O., Kılıç, F., & Aksoyak, İ. H. (2002). Old Turkish literature handbook. Grafiker Publications.
d) Edited Book
In the reference in the text:
(Isen, 2009)
Isen, M. (Ed.) (2009). Old Turkish literature handbook (5th edition). Grafiker Publications.
e) Chapter in an edited book or an edited e-book
In the reference in the text:
(Macit, 2009)
Macit, M. (2009). Sound structure. İsen, M. (Ed.), Old Turkish literature handbook (5th edition, pp. 177-197). Grafiker Publications.
f- Translation Works
In the reference in the text:
(Gibb, 1998, p. 35)
Gibb, E. J. W. (1998). Ottoman poetry history I-II. (Ali, Çavuşoğlu Translation). Akçay Publications.
g) Old Manuscript
In the reference in the text:
(Dîvân-ı Lebîb, 382, v. 15b-16a)
Lebîb-i Âmidî, Dîvân-ı Lebîb, Millet Library Ali Emiri Ef. Manzum, No: 382.
h) Books Belonging to a Religion
In the reference in the text:
(Qur'an, 2/14)
In the bibliography: Title of the book (date). Name of the publisher (if available, the internet address should be underlined and linked at the end).
The Holy Qur'an. (2020). Presidency of Religious Affairs. mushaf
Surname and name of the author (year of publication). The title of the article should be written in lower case and plain. The name of the journal should be written in italics with the first letter of each word capitalised, the volume number should be written in italics, but the issue number should be written in plain brackets, page range. (If available, the doi number should be underlined and linked after the page range.
Note: For articles with article number instead of page range, the article number information should be given as Article e0193972 after the issue number.
a) Single Authored Article:
In the reference in the text:
(Kaplan, 1951, p. 168)
(Ersoy, 2012, pp. 140-161)
(Isen Durmuş, 2019, p 130
Kaplan, M. (1951). Abdülhak Hamid II. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, 4 (3), 167-187.
Ersoy, E. (2012). Some ghazals of XVI. century poet Azîzî (d.1585). Celal Bayar University Journal of Social Sciences, 10 (1), 14-161.
İsen Durmuş, T.I. (2019). Kınalızâde Ali Çelebi as a patron and his contribution to the enigma genre. Academic Journal of Language and Literature. 4, (3), 124-140.
b) Article with Two Authors:
In the bibliography:
In the reference in the text:
(Albayrak & Erkal, 2003, pp. 77-80)
Albayrak, M., & Erkal, M. (2003). The unity of expression and skill courses (Turkish-Mathematics) on the way to success. Journal of National Education, (158), 75-85.
c) Article with more than two authors:
In the reference in the text:
(Mübeccel et al., 2004, p. 30).
In the bibliography:
Gönen, M., Çelebi Öncü, E., & Isıtan S. (2004). Investigation of reading habits of primary school 5th, 6th, 7th grade students. Journal of National Education, (164), 7-35.
Notes: The names of the authors of the article can be written up to a maximum of 20 authors. After the 19th author's surname and name are written by placing a comma between them, the surname and name of the 20th author are written by placing the & sign. If the number of authors is more than 20, the first 19 authors should be written, followed by ... and the last author should be written.
a) Printed Dictionary:
In the reference in the text:
(Turkish Language Association, 2005, p. 2151)
Turkish Language Association. (2005). Yayım. Turkish dictionary (10th edition, p. 2151).
b) Online Dictionary
In the reference in the text:
Turkish Language Society, n.d.)
In bibliography:
Turkish Language Association. (n.d.). Publication. Current Turkish dictionary. Retrieved May 15, 2021, from
In the reference in the text:
(Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health General Directorate of Public Health, 2019)
In the bibliography: If the report has no author, start with the institution information. However, if there is an author, the author(s) are indicated first.
T.C. Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Public Health. (2019). Turkey nutrition and health survey (TBSA) (Ministry of Health Publication No: 1132). T.C. Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Public Health.
a) Unpublished Thesis: Theses that are not found in a database are accepted as unpublished theses.
In the reference in the text:
(Arslan, 2015, p. 213)
Arslan, M. U. (2015). Temîmüddârî parables in classical Turkish literature. [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Dicle University Institute of Social Sciences.
b) Published Thesis: Theses in a database are accepted as published theses.
In the reference in the text:
(Satır, 2011), (Satır, 2011, p.203)
Satır, A. (2011). Climate change indicators and effects within the framework of sustainability of development in our country and in the world (Thesis No.302248) [Doctoral dissertation, Ankara University]. YÖK Thesis Centre. UlusalTezMerkezi/giriş.jsp
In the reference in the text:
(Dalkıran, 2014)
Dalkıran, A. (Ed.). (2014). International symposium on classical Turkish literature in the memory of Alî Emîrî, Turcalibris Kitabevi.
In the reference in the text:
(Çeltik, 2014, p. 119)
Çeltik, H. (2014). The use of excel in language and literature research. Dalkıran, Ahmet (Ed.) International symposium on classical Turkish literature in the memory of Alî Emîrî (pp. 111-123). Turcalibris Bookstore.
In the reference in the text:
(Macit, 2013)
Macit, M. (2013). Fuzuli. Dictionary of Turkish Literature Names.
3. Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
ASA is an international peer-reviewed journal where original scientific articles, translations of articles, book reviews and book introductions in the fields of social sciences and humanities, especially language, literature, literary history, culture, linguistics, psychology, anthropology, philosophy, history, sociology are published in accordance with the ethical principles stated below. Articles submitted to ASA are published electronically with free access after double blind review processes. The following ethical principles and rules have been prepared in accordance with the Directive on Scientific Research and Publication Ethics of Higher Education Institutions and the Directive of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Ethical Responsibilities of Authors:
- The subjects of the articles to be sent to the journal of our faculty must be within the specified fields.
- The articles to be submitted to our journal must be original, must not have been published elsewhere before, or must not be in the evaluation process in another journal for publication.
- All sources used in the writing of the article should be indicated in the references appropriately; copyrighted materials should be used in accordance with the necessary permissions by observing copyright laws and agreements.
- In the Copyright Agreement Form, in articles with two or more authors, the name order given by all authors with a joint decision and the acceptance of the transfer of the copyrights of the articles finalised for publication to the journal should be officially stated.
- Authors should immediately inform the editorial board in case they detect an error in their manuscripts; they should carry out the correction or withdrawal process in co-operation. All responsibility for the published article belongs to the authors. No opinion and thought in the article can be attributed to the journal, editors, referees.
- All studies accepted by our journal are checked by iThenticate plagiarism detection programme. The matches resulting from the plagiarism check are examined and then a similarity report is created for the article. In line with the report, authors may be asked to make corrections to certain parts of their work or the work may be removed from the publication process.
- Manuscripts are subjected to a double-blind review process by the editor or one of the assistant editors and at least two referees. Plagiarism, forgery, distortion, duplication, slicing, unfair authorship, copyright infringement and concealment of conflict of interest are considered unethical behaviours.
Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers:
- Double-blinding method is applied in the evaluation of the studies submitted to our journal. Thus, the identities of the referees and authors are kept confidential in order to ensure an unbiased, objective and independent evaluation process.
- Manuscripts are sent to the referees for evaluation via journalipark.
- Referees are only required to referee studies related to their fields of expertise.
- The referees should state their opinions on the manuscript they evaluate, their reasoned judgements on whether the manuscript is publishable or not in writing, and should not mention their names in order not to damage the double-blind evaluation process.
- Reviewers are responsible for evaluating the manuscripts in an unbiased and objective scientific manner.
- Referees are expected to complete their evaluations within the time allocated to them and to act in accordance with the ethical principles of our journal.
Ethical Responsibilities of the Editors:
- The editors objectively evaluate the articles submitted to the journal in accordance with scientific and ethical principles and organise the process of double-blind peer review in a fair manner.
- They ensure that all information and data regarding the articles submitted to the journal are kept confidential until the end of the article publication process.
- They are responsible for the overall quality of all content and publications in the journal. They can publish error pages or make corrections when necessary.
- Editors do not allow any conflict of interest between authors and reviewers. They are fully authorised to appoint referees and are responsible for making the final decision on the articles to be published in the journal.
Submission of articles to ASA Journal is free of charge.
Open Access Policy
ASA Journal adopts an open access policy. Accordingly, all articles published in the journal can be read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed, and used with proper attribution without any cost or restrictions. The journal operates under the Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.
ASA Journal permits authors to deposit the published version of their articles in institutional or subject-based repositories without any embargo, provided proper attribution is given and the terms of the CC BY-NC 4.0 license are followed.
This work is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
ASA DERGİSİ © 2023 by Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International